BIBLOTIC-INFORMATIONAL EDUCATION IN KNUKYI IN THE CONTEXT OF HISTORY AND THE PRESENT (On the 50th anniversary of the beginning of library and information education at the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts)


  • Tetyana Novalska Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
  • Nadiia Bachynska Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



the history of library and information education, the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, the Department of Library Science KNUCiI, the Department of Information Technology.


The purpose of the study The work is a study of history, characteristic features and trends of the development of library and information education in KNUCiM. The methodology, which is based on the general scientific principles of historicism, systemicity, complexity, comprehensiveness of knowledge, and on special methods - comparative-historical, retrospective, problem-chronological, logical-analytical, contributed to the achievement of the goal.l The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time, the history of foundation, characteristic signs and trends of the development of library and information education in KNUCiM has been studied and described in detail. Conclusions. The results of the conducted research allow us to conclude that the library and information education at the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts over the past 50 years has undergone a significant path of development and transformation. About 22 thousand highly qualified specialists were trained. A powerful scientific and educational library school has been formed and actively developing, among which the main areas of research are issues related to the history of librarianship, fund studies, librarianship, readership, and so on. At the present stage of its historical development, the Kyiv Library Science and EducationSchool strengthens the traditions acquired in previous years and forms a progressive vision of the prospects for the preparation of library and information personnel at the level of the best world standards.

Author Biographies

Tetyana Novalska, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Head of the Department of Information Technologies

Nadiia Bachynska, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

PhD in Pedagogy,

Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technologies


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