
  • Nataliia Kobyzhcha Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
  • Ivan Shtefan Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv scientific school of library stock studies, department, library education, research work.


The purpose of the work is to investigate the history of forming the Department of Organization of Library Collections and Catalogs of KNUCA, to determine the contribution of the teachers of the department to the development of Ukrainian library stock and catalogization studies as parts of the Kyiv library scientific and educational school. The methodology of socio-communicative, systemic and historical-genetic approaches, including the methods of historiographical and source search and analysis of profile publications on the subject under investigation, helped to achieve the research goal, which made it possible to determine the factors that influenced the development of scientific studies of library stock and catalogization. The scientific novelty of the work is that it has elucidated the history of forming the Department of Organization of Library Collections and Catalogs of KNUCA for the first time. The formation of the Kyiv scientific and educational school of library stock studies as well as the contribution of the teachers of the department and its leader, the Head of the Department Professor Petro Kolomiiets, to the elaboration of the Professional Education program for training librarians, library stock specialists, and catalogers, have also been considered in the conditions of changing the paradigm of library science from documentary to informational. Conclusions. The experience of the Department of Organization of Library Collections and Catalogs continues to be implemented in the course of transforming the professorial teaching staff ’s work into the elaboration of new educational and professional programs for training informatiology specialists of a “new” Ukraine within the newly created Department of Information Technologies, at present headed by Professor Tetiana Novalska, Doctor of Historical Sciences, a scientist who is well-known both in Ukraine and far beyond its borders. All the above and available archival materials give grounds for initiating the introduction of special scientific research on the role and position of each department in the half-century history of the formation and development of the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts.

Author Biographies

Nataliia Kobyzhcha, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

PhD in Culture Studies senior teacher of the Department of Information Technologies

Ivan Shtefan, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technologies


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