
  • Мaria Komova Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine




document, mass communication document, mass media, factual information, documentary information.


The purpose of the article is to determine the factors of the mass communication document functioning in social and cultural space. The methodology consists of using general scientific approaches and unique methods, such as analysis, synthesis, logical approach, the method of research results visualization. The application of analytical and synthetic, valid methods has made it possible to determine the main components of the methodology of mass media model development, to substantiate the principles of constructing a holistic concept of the mass communication document functioning. Using the method of the research results visualization, the facet structure of the methodology for developing a mass media model, the systemic role of the mass media in the cycle of social transformations have been made apparent. The scientific novelty of the work is that the factors of the mass communication document functioning in the social and cultural space have been established in the paper. Conclusions. The development of a holistic concept of the mass communication document performing in the social and cultural area implies the need to consider the context of the mass communication document functioning using a synergistic approach to determining the role and place of the mass communication document in social transformations; consider the content of the mass communication document as a complex structural and dynamic narrative; consider the evolution of multiculturalism of the society.

Author Biography

Мaria Komova, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Candidate of Philological Sciences (Ph. D.) Associate professor at the Department of Social Communication and Information Science


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