
  • Tetiana Yavorska Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Ukraine



professional competence, information competence, future specialists in information, library and archive.


Purpose of Article research of the problem of the formation of professional competences for future specialists in the information, library and archives, the allocation of information competence in their structure. Methodology. The research methodology consists in comparing different approaches to the problem of the formation of professional competences, the use of methods of abstraction and generalization. Scientific Novelty of work: the information competence in the structure of professional competences future specialists of the information, library and archival business is determined, its relevance is substantiated. Conclusions. The concept of information competence researchers associates with the phenomenon of the information society, with the technological revolution, the emergence and spread of electronic information and communication technologies. Therefore, the formation of information competence among future specialists in information, library and archives is a topical issue.

Author Biography

Tetiana Yavorska, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

Pedagogical Sciences Candidate, Associate Professor

Department of Information Systems Management


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