
  • Tatyana Korzhova Kiev National University culture and arts, Ukraine



public relations, high school, higher education establishments, legal-regulation providing, educational standards, quality education management


The goal of the article is to consider the problems connecting with legal - regulatory framework of preparing specialists in public relations in the higher school system of Ukraine on the modern stage. Methodology of the investigation. The work with the selected material was based on the general-scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization. During writing the main material of the article also were applied descriptive and systemic-structural methods and legal-regulatory approach which allowed to find out the necessary level of problematization of the given question. Scientific novelty. In the proposed article the position of future public relations in Ukraine is justified and is possible not only on the base of competent approaches but also on the integrative basis “education – science – innovations – market” which will provide the conditions for development of modern standards and implementation the appropriate systems of leading the quality of PR-education. Conclusions. In spite of an available legal-regulation providing of the educational process in the Ukrainian higher education establishments, it’s not enough as for the preparing high class specialists in this sphere, also for the developing PR- branch in general, and that’s why a requirement in additional work in this direction appears.

Author Biography

Tatyana Korzhova, Kiev National University culture and arts

candidate of the department public relations and journalism


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