
  • Tаtyana Sydorenko Mykolaiv branch of Kiev National University of Culture and Arts Mykolaiv, applicant of Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
  • Alona Fihura Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



historiography, library fund, preservation of library funds, conservation and restoration of documents, scientific libraries.


Purpose of the article. The research is connected with the analysis of librarianship publications on the issues of preservation of documents in libraries of Ukraine. Methodology. In the process of research, scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization and historiographical method have been applied. The scientific novelty of the work is a historiographic review of scientific works of domestic researchers, methodological materials on the issues of preservation of documents prepared in the XXI century, an analysis of traditional and modern approaches to the preservation of funds in libraries in Ukraine. The directions of improvement of the activity of libraries on preservation of documents are determined. Conclusions. As a result of the study,  it was discovered that most of the papers covered important issues of document storage in libraries, but the historiographical review of modern approaches, trends in the use of methods and methods of document storage was not traced. This will enable you to deepen research on important issues of document and electronic resource storage.

Author Biographies

Tаtyana Sydorenko, Mykolaiv branch of Kiev National University of Culture and Arts Mykolaiv, applicant of Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications, appointed docent of the Department of information,

Alona Fihura, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

Master student


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