
  • Мaria Komova Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine



document, the dysfunctionality of the document, factual information, documentary information.


The purpose of the article is to determine the disclosure of the dysfunctionality of the document as a phenomenon of positioning during communication interaction. The methodology consists of using general and special scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, logical method, method of visualization of research results. The application of analysis, synthesis, logical methods made it possible to establish the peculiarities of the dysfunctionality of documentary and factual information during communication interaction in the conditions of various forms of hybrid information confrontation. Using the  method of  visualization the  basic parameters, characteristics and results of the information influence that was carried out during the communication interaction were compared. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the fact that the article establishes the dysfunctionality of documentary and factual information as a component of information confrontation. Conclusions. The dysfunctionality of the facts’ interpretation, reproduced in documentary and factual information, disclosures during conducting varieties of hybrid warfare. This phenomenon has its own peculiarities in the mechanisms of providing information to obtain moral and psychological superiority over the enemy. With the help of interpreted information, the information support for the development of social space is carried out, and the social model of programmed security of the society is implemented. Descriptive, selective informing of the society contradicts the principles of completeness and objectivity of information presentation.

Author Biography

Мaria Komova, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Candidate of Philological Sciences (Ph. D.)
Associate professor at the Department of Social Communication and Information Science


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