
  • Lesya Kovalska Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Ukraine



document source, document science, source study, social communication, management document, World War II.


The purpose of the article. The outline of information and communication features of the functioning and storage of the corps of archival documents of the Second World War, determination of their leading role in the formation of social reality in the conditions of war. The methodology of the study involves the use of specialized methods of document theory and social communication to identify the information aspects of documentary sources of the Second World War and their established communication ties in society. The application of certain methods of processing the documentary corps will allow tracing the movement of documented information and the influence on the formation of hierarchical structures of power in the conditions of war and the actual inability of constitutional governing bodies of the soviet state. The scientific novelty of the work is to determine the influence of the management documentation of the war years on the processes of social interaction in Soviet society, the introduction of management documents in the scientific discourse of the theory of the document and communication theory. Conclusions. The information and communication significance of management documents among other types of document sources and the necessity of their involvement in the scientific research of historical processes based on the thematic complex of archival documents is determined.

Author Biography

Lesya Kovalska, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

PhD, Associate Professor, Reader in social communication,
Department of Information Systems Management


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