
  • Viktoriya Dobrovolska National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



document management support, social communications, theoretical foundations of the document communication system.


The purpose of the article is to consider the problems of documentary support of the management of the field of culture from the standpoint of the theory of documentary communications. The methodology      of the research is to use the theory of documentary communications in the studies of documentary support   of the cultural sector. Scientific novelty. The article substantiates the possibilities of a comprehensive    study of the documentation support of the management of the field of culture on the basis of the use of        the theoretical foundations of social communications and document science. Conclusions. The theory of social communications and the methodology of document research are closely linked with the theoretical foundations of the documentation of the cultural sector. They are important for understanding the problems of documentary communications and the documentation system of the cultural sector and document management as a communication system linking governing bodies, institutions and organizations, creative individuals and groups that carry out cultural activities.

Author Biography

Viktoriya Dobrovolska, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts

Doctor of Philosophy in Social Communications, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Informational Communications


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