
  • Yuriy Paleкha European University, Ukraine



information, culture, subject of management, organization, a product of the joint activity, information system, information technologies.


The purpose of the article is to define the meaning of informational culture of the organization (subject of social management), to reveal the causes of its development, to explore the varieties, to highlight the elements and to analyze the components, to outline the directions of further research in the aspect of the information society creation. Methodology: systematic method, method of moving from the abstract to concrete. The scientific novelty of the work is in the expansion of understanding of the information culture of the organization as a subject of social management and as a component of its organizational culture on the one hand and the information culture of society on the other. The main components of the information culture of the organization are proposed, which include: the culture of documenting information and the culture of its analytical synthetic processing, the culture of managing of documented information processing, technological culture and the legal information culture. Conclusions. The information culture of the organization is presented as a scientific integral direction, which includes a set of related measures, methods and tools for teamwork with information that can be ensured through the implementation of the processes of creation and quality functioning of modern information systems, the introduction of document and information technologies, the perfect development of activities of organizational administrative apparatus in order to implement its effective management. Each of the listed components of the information culture of the organization is inseparable from others, relevant and requires separate consideration and detailed explanation.

Author Biography

Yuriy Paleкha, European University

Ph.D. in Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of Documentation and Information-Analytical Activities, Professor


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