
  • Alina Petrushka Scientific Library of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine




scientific content, visualization, photography, illustration


The purpose of the article is to determine transformation’s factors of scientific content of National Geographic Magazine (NGM). The methodology consists of using general scientific methods and special methods: analysis, synthesis, logical and statistical methods, the method of visualization of research results. The application of analysis, synthesis, logical method has allowed substantiating the term quasi-presence of the audience, to define the specific features of NGM articles’ illustrativeness. Using the statistical method and method of visualization the dynamics of articles’ illustrativeness was calculated and presented. The scientific novelty of the work consists in introducing into the scientific circulation the philosophical and linguistic substantiation of the term quasi-presence of the audience, presentation of specific features of the illustrative material and the dynamics of its dissemination in the journal. Conclusions. NGM, having gone a long way  in its development as a brand of scientific and subsequently known to the world of popular science magazine, created a modern style of presentation of illustrated content. To the brink of the first decade of the twentieth century, NGM outlined the stable tendency of changing the symbolic nature of the presentation of scientific and natural knowledge in the journal: from text-oriented document to visualized by the means of fine arts and cartography scientific material. The foundations of the style of the scientific journal were laid as sources of reliable textual information, widely argued and confirmed by various visual information.

Author Biography

Alina Petrushka, Scientific Library of Lviv Polytechnic National University

Ph.D. in Social Communication Leading specialist


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