
  • Igor Parfeniuk Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



Ukrainian language, information war, information protection


Purpose of the article. The Ukrainian-speaking space as a strategic component in the system of defense of the state from information wars is analyzed in the article. The role of language in the system of information protection of Ukraine in the context of information and hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation and the necessity and timeliness of the adoption of the Law «On ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as a state» are considered. The methodology of the research is to apply such general scientific methods as synthesis, analysis, comparison, which made it possible to investigate the importance of the Ukrainian language in the system of protection of the state from information wars. The scientific novelty of the research is that the article generalizes knowledge about state information security during information wars, highlights the role of the Ukrainian language as an element of strategic protection of the informational and cultural space, and the importance of adopting a new language law is substantiated. Conclusions. It has been established that in the strategic perspective, for the protection of information aggression, the dominant functioning of the national state language should be ensured. The most vulnerable to information aggression, the state of Ukraine is precisely in that part of its territory, where the Russian language dominates and is a tendency toward Russian values and political myths. The Law of Ukraine «On ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as a state» is important in the system of Ukrainian legislation and in the strategic perspective will serve to protect against the ever-increasing information aggression of the Russian Federation.

Author Biography

Igor Parfeniuk, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Ph.D. in Social Communications, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Public Relations and Journalism


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