
  • Hanna Verbytska Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



communication, global networks, elites, hierarchy, government, global governance.


Purpose of Article. The goal is the role of the political elite in global governance through the use of social and communication networks. Methodology. In order to effectively achieve the purpose of the study, an analytical method was used to analyze and determine the communications of the political elite, among which the transportation, forwarding, circulation of political information - a set of knowledge, phenomena, facts, and events of the political sphere of society reporting. Scientific novelty. Efficiency and feasibility of use in the global management of social-communication networks in the political elite are investigated. Conclusions. The social and communication factor is an obligatory element in the process of consolidation of the political elite. Accordingly, global governance is carried out by sovereign states, religious organizations, corporations, as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations. At the same time, the process of management is not only at the national and international levels, but also at the regional and local levels. However, global governance is characterized to reduce the role of states and an increase in the activity of non-state actors. Therefore, a properly constructed and implemented communication program of the political elite is an integral factor in achieving success towards consolidating with the aim of social cooperation and partnership between different ruling circles.

Author Biography

Hanna Verbytska, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

assistant at the Department of International Relations


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