
  • Tetiana, Vitalina Dobko, Shkarina



bibliographic aids, contents indexes, the national bibliographic system of Ukraine, national bibliography of the second level, national metabibliography, national metabibliographic aids, metabiblio- graphic resources, periodicals, serial editions, magazines, newspapers.


The purpose of the article aims at historical and bibliographical generalization and determination of the role and place of contents indexes of magazines as an integral part of the national bibliographic system of Ukraine; review of the historiography, problems and source base of the study of a specific genre of bibliographic

aids; sectoral, content and structural analysis of Ukrainian periodicals contents indexes. The methodology of the applied research involves, first of all, usage of bibliographic methods for the object of research cognition as a compulsory component of the problem research method as well as analytical and synthetic processing of a set of selected bibliographic aids. The following methods have been also applied: general scientific methods of systematic and historical approaches, empirical methods of description and modeling; thematic analysis method, source, and statistical analysis, etc. Communicative-informative and documentary principles of library and information technology methodology have been also taken into account. Scientific Novelty. Both printed and electronic retrospective indexes of the contents of the periodical that reflect publications of Ukrainian magazines in Ukrainian and Russian languages on the territory of Ukraine and abroad during 1844–2018 have been systematically investigated. Their sectoral, content and structural analysis have been carried out. Conclusion. Contents indexes are an important source of bibliographic information concerning periodicals. Among them, contents indexes of periodicals relating to historical and philological fields are predominant, which are to a great extent polythematic, and therefore serve not only as bibliographic support of research in the specified fields of knowledge but also in scientific research as a whole. Contents indexes of magazines as a genre of bibliographic aids remain relevant to the present day, being an important component of the national bibliographic system of Ukraine.


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