
  • Viktoriya Dobrovolska



social communications, communication space, socio-communication space, infrastructural, content-related and subject-based constituents, field of culture.


The purpose of the article is to reveal the theoretical framework of the study of the socio-communication
space of culture and its constituents: infrastructural, content-related, and subject-based. Methodology of
the study comprises the application of general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, logical and statistical
methods, study outcome visualization method. Application of analysis, synthesis, logical approach allowed
to substantiate the socio-communication space of culture, as a system. Scientific novelty covers the sociocommunication
space of culture during the mastering of information technologies in the performance review,
as a constituent of the social communication system. The socio-communication area of culture is considered
as a complex system having infrastructural, content-related, and subject-based constituents, which contributes
to any new information and ensures communication in vertical and horizontal slices. Conclusions. The
socio-communication space of culture is a complicated system, which provides communication not only in
the vertical and horizontal slices but also contributes to new information creation, has synergism quality,
and is in a dynamic, sometimes even bifurcation, development. Relatively, the development process makes a
significant impact on global and regional social operations, bears both amenities and substantial risks, without
conscience of the inevitability of which, no further research studies are possible. The socio-communication
space of culture has fundamental functions, infrastructural, content-related, and subject-based constituents
defined by contemporary and advanced capabilities of information technologies, by the need for document
communication development. Complexity and multidimensionality of the socio-communication space of culture
cause the necessity for further development of the theoretical and methodological framework of study thereof.
The study of a new space of culture is a reasonable need for public management that should be implemented
using record management.


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