
  • Valentyna Bezdrabko



The purpose of the article. The research is devoted to the elucidation of the current state of document science in Ukraine, to identify the main problems of its development as a scientific and educational discipline, which contradicts the development of the specialty 029 «Information, library and archival affairs», overcoming the epistemological and organizational crisis of the science of document. The methodology of the study is to
apply historical-genetic, comparative, formal-logical, modeling and generalization methods. These methods make it possible to fully disclose the content of the current crisis of document science, to identify cause and effect relationships, and to foresee possible ways to overcome it in accordance with the needs of society and the internal potential of the science itself. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the scientific understanding of the current state of document science in Ukraine. A comparative approach to the development of traditional document science and documentоlogia has opened up the possibilities of dialectical communication between them, and at the same time has fostered an understanding of the identity of each field. In addition to management, other types of specialized document science, such as electronic and audiovisual, were noted. The success
of documentary education in Ukraine depends on the conscious activity of the subjects of the educational services market and the relevance of educational offerings to the needs of the profession of the documentary. Conclusions. Understanding the newest paradigm of science will facilitate the emergence of document science from the crisis, which will mark the next stage of its evolution.
Key words: document; document science; general document science; special document science; documentologia; crisis of science, documentary education.


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