
  • Oksana Tur



The purpose of the article is to investigate a set of problems associated with the implementation of international and European standards with the aim of harmonizing the laws of Ukraine with the laws of the European Union. The methodology of the study was a set of general scientific, special scientific and specific methods for studying the problems, the application of which allows us to achieve our goal. The principle of historicism, which provides for the consideration of any phenomenon in its self-development under the influence of various factors, became the main one. In addition to him, research was based on the principles of objectivity and integrity. The use of a complex of scientific methods has made it possible to establish the problem of harmonizing national standards with international and European ones. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that, based on the research of foreign and domestic scientists and practitioners who studied standardization issues, the author was able to single out the actual problems of harmonizing national standards with international and European ones. Conclusions. The development of national standards should be based on a scientific analysis of the experience of creating regulatory documents abroad, the possibility of introducing relevant international standards in Ukraine, unified forms and systems of documentation. The problems identified in the study allow us to determine the complex of theoretical and fundamental problems and promising areas of practical activity. First of all, it is necessary to analyze the industry standards operating in Ukraine, compare them with modern international standards and, if necessary, instruct the relevant institutions to develop national standards harmonized with international and European ones.

Key words: standard, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the international standard, European standard, harmonization.


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