
  • Sergey Lytvyn



Key words, journal “Library Science. Documentation. Informology“, document science, document science education a crisis of science, integrated specialty ”Information, library and archival work“.


The purpose of the article. The article is devoted to the analysis of a number of articles published in the journal “Library Science. Documentation. Informology” on fundamental and applied problems of information and documentation cycle, first of all, coverage of scientific discussion on existing problems of development of integrated specialty ”Information, library and archival work“ as an academic and scientific discipline and contradictions caused by introduction and definition of prospects of further development of document science education. The methodology consists of the application of a set of methods: historicaldialectical, comparative, formal logic, analysis, and generalization. This methodological approach allowed a comprehensive analysis of the discussion that takes place on the pages of the journal “Library Science. Documentation. Informology“ on the problems of the current state of document science and make appropriate scientific conclusions. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in a comprehensive analysis of those published in the journal “Library Science. Documentation. Informology“ of works devoted to the current state of document science in Ukraine, scientific understanding of its problems, and providing scientific and practical proposals on the place and role of the journal in their updating. Conclusions. Journal “Library Science. Documentation. Informology” became a kind of discussion platform for discussing a wide range of modern problems of document science, library science, informology, in particular, generated by the creation of a new specialty 029 – Information, library and archival affairs. At the same time, the scientific discussion on the identified problems on the pages of the journal is insufficient and will require a qualitatively new level.


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