
  • Nataliia Vovk



Key words, the electronic library, informational system, informatization, informational and communicational system.


The purpose of the article is to determine the organizational and methodological aspects of the informational support in the libraries and development of the information subsystems prototype of the electronic library, the main task of which is to ensure the convenient using of documents by employees of the reader
service department (in particular, the reader service department). The methodology uses the modeling method tools: problem statement, creation, and analysis of the model. The application of the principles of integrity,
hierarchy, and structure made it possible to consider the informational system as a part of the electronic library. The scientific novelty of the work is to develop a prototype of the informational subsystem for reader service. The appointment of such an information subsystem is to register library readers and distribution of
books, services, records of events, and projects organized by the library. The main aspects of the functioning of modern electronic libraries are considered in the article. The author analyzed the tasks to be solved by the complex automation of a modern library. Conclusions. The proposed conceptual model of the informational
subsystem allows us to take into account the specifics of the library institution and provides quality information that is necessary for the functioning of the system as a whole. The article proves that the purpose of the proposed information subsystem is the full automation of the processes of distribution of books, the document package of activities and projects, reporting, reliable data storage, and document retrieval. The article concludes that the electronic library includes three components: digital, virtual, and the actual electronic library, and for
full information support of modern public libraries, it is expedient to solve the following tasks: introduction of statistical accounting of library readers; establishing and implementing the procedure for providing personal
information; introduction and use of electronic data processing system.


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