
  • Anatolii Humenchuk



Purpose of the article. The research is devoted to the substantiation of new methodological  approaches to the development of cognitive and axiological components of Higher Education in Library  and Information Science in the conditions of the digital economy and knowledge society development.  Methodology. The combination of research tools (systematic, comparative, transdisciplinary approaches)  allowed proving the objectivity of the strengthening integrative relations’ processes in the “Information,  Library and Archival Affairs” disciplinary field’s components due to digital convergence of library, archive,  and documentation center. Scientific novelty. The digital revolution in documenting and dissemination  technologies are gradually erasing the functional boundaries between different types of documentary  and communication institutions while contributing to their multifunctionality. This highlights the need  to introduce the principle of transdisciplinarity in the educational programs’ content and structure for  the library and information professionals training, which will help increase their competitiveness in the  labor market. Conclusions. New roles and activities of libraries in the digitalization society take them  beyond the pure library infrastructure and determine the transdisciplinary training of librarians. Such  training is a guarantee of their high adaptability and prospects in the digital culture society, a guarantee  of preservation and development of libraries as multifunctional information and cultural-educational  media complexes, that are attractive for users.


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