Place and role of DSTU 4163: 2020 «Unified system of organizational and management documentation. requirements for documentation» in the system of the documents.




The purpose of the article is to find out the significance of the state standard for the design of documents
DSTU 4163: 2020 in the system of valid documents on reference and unification of documentary texts; to
analyze the new state standard DSTU 4163: 2020 in comparison with its analog of 2003, the Resolution of
the Cabinet of Ministers, to identify discrepancies in their texts and to make proposals for their elimination.
The study emphasizes that this DSTU, like other national standards, over time has lost its binding legal status
and has become a recommendation, and the resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers continue to be binding.
The methodology of research is based on the application of the principles of systematicity, scientificity, and
historicism and makes it possible to trace the development of normative documentation. Classical methods
of analysis, synthesis, and comparison help to compare the texts of several documents, creating a system of
scientific information. It is through the use of special and general philosophical research methods that it is
possible to analyze normative documents in the context of their practicality and relevance. The scientific
novelty of the study is to determine the features of the requirements for the design of documents in the new
standard and justify their feasibility in relation to current needs. The comparative analysis of texts of documents
is carried out and discrepancies of registration of examples and the text of DSTU are revealed. Conclusions.
The main feature and difference of DSTU 4163: 2020 from other documents that determine the procedure
and requirements for the execution of documents is its extension to all types of documentation created in the
activities of various organizations, regardless of their carrier. The new standard has been improved to meet
today’s requirements, focusing not only on paper documents but also on electronic ones, as they now occupy
a leading position in any activity.
Keywords: office work, unification of documentary texts, state standard, electronic document




