Digital transformation of ukrainian libraries in the conditions of globalization transformations




The purpose of the article is to identify current projects of digital transformation of libraries in the period of globalization transformations. The research methodology is based on general scientific and special research methods. In particular, through the use of methods of description and comparison, analysis
and synthesis, generalization, and abstraction, the digital transformation of libraries in the period of globalization is highlighted. The scientific novelty of the work is that based on the study of a significant source base, the features of the digital transformation of libraries in the period of globalization are
represented. Conclusions. Access to information is extremely important for the development of communities and civil society in general. All the steps taken today by the state together with responsible business make information available to rural residents, and libraries - new modern information hubs, centers for revitalizing community life, modern centers for learning and communication. The conclusions state that the further digital transformation of libraries in the period of globalization transforms requires increased attention to improving the policy of implementing concrete steps in this direction. Modern processes of informatization of Ukrainian libraries are constantly dependent on the latest information technologies, to which they are constantly forced to adapt in the course of their promotion in society. Thus, libraries today are new modern information hubs, centers for activating life in the community, and relevant centers for learning and communication. It is in libraries that citizens can realize their need for digital education, and gain access to information and knowledge resources. Learning digital skills throughout life is a necessity of modern man, and libraries are becoming the places where it is possible to do it for free to every member of the community.
Key words: library, digital transformation, electronic information environment, digitalization of services.




