Scientific content: factors and dynamics of the development of ukrainian national terminology




The purpose of the study is to identify the impact of technological, political, social, and communication factors on the dynamics of the terminographic process in Ukraine and abroad in 1940-2020. To realise this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to identify and verify bibliographic information of terminological dictionaries, encyclopedias, and reference books published in Ukraine and abroad; to determine the key factors that influenced the development of terminology; to establish the dynamics of the publication of Ukrainian terminographic works (UTW) based on quantitative indicators of the publication activity of scientists in Ukraine and abroad; to establish the branch composition of UTPs issued in Ukraine. The research methodology consists of the use of general scientific and special methods. Using analytical-synthetic, logical, and comparative methods made it possible to establish non-linguistic factors in developing Ukrainian terminology. Using the statistical method, the dynamics of the development of Ukrainian terminology was substantiated, and the branch spectrum of terminographic publications was revealed. Visualisation of the results of scientific research reveals the branch structure of terminographic publications. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the state independence of Ukraine and the status of the Ukrainian language as the state language caused a robust exchange of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the dynamics of the development of Ukrainian terminology. Conclusions. Ukrainian terminological lexicography is actively and fruitfully developing, and methodological principles of terminographic work are being improved. Ukrainian national terminology is formed as a highly developed system of lexicographic works, which broadly represent scientific vocabulary from all fields of knowledge. High indicators of the dynamism and intensity of the preparation of the UTP demonstrate the consolidation of scientific forces to purify the Ukrainian language from elements not characteristic of it and restore its specific features, establishing the Ukrainian professional language in all spheres of social life. The development of terminology creates optimal prerequisites for the complex digitisation of special vocabulary, creating a system of electronic terminological dictionaries and encyclopedias, and creating a unified national language and information fund.

Keywords: scientific content, terminology, term, dictionary, encyclopedia, terminology, special vocabulary.




