Main Trends in Electronic Resources of Public Libraries


  • Serhii Terentiev



The purpose of the paper is to analyse the main trends in electronic resources of modern public libraries. The research methodology is based on the use of general scientific methods of studying social phenomena and processes (analysis, synthesis, classification, abstraction, generalisation, as well as methods of systemic and structural-functional analysis), which allows to determine the main trends in electronic resources of public libraries. The scientific novelty of the paper is the determination of the main trends in public libraries based on modern technological approaches to information and communication support. Conclusions. The capabilities of information and communication technologies have enabled realising a digital breakthrough in librarianship, expanding its boundaries and technical capabilities to provide services to a large number of users. Society needs further expansion of library opportunities, as remote access, augmented reality, and a significant number of social networks emerge, which requires a complex system of resource management, filling the electronic library collection, indexing sources, and informing users on the web. The areas of development of electronic resources of public libraries may include: digitisation of manuscripts and printed books, media sources, photos, films, videos; adding virtual copies of works of art, cultural, and historical heritage; copying computer programs and other replicated materials that have the right to be distributed; interactive means of educational, cultural, and cognitive communication (augmented reality, virtual tours, exhibitions, scientific, and educational activities); expanding direct access in libraries to electronic sources and external collections with high network bandwidth; organiszing trainings and exercises of various professional orientations; creating indexing systems and databases; protecting information from cybercriminals and destroying electronic sources.

Key words: public library, electronic resources, information and communication support, information services.




