Traditional and Modern Library Services: Transformation


  • Andrii Yudov



The purpose of the article is to identify the trends of transformations of traditional library services into modern ones through the prism of library traditions and librarians' skills; compare traditional and modern library services. The research methodology consists of the use of general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, which made it possible to trace the development and transformations of traditional library services into modern ones. Scientific novelty of the work. It was determined that the digital library concept revolutionised the library sector through the use of information and communication technologies. The need for understanding the features of transformational changes of traditional and modern library services in order to improve library services is proved. Conclusions. Transformations of traditional library services into modern ones are shown. Digital libraries use technology and networks to connect people with resources in order to provide universal access to them. When comparing traditional and modern library services, important points were highlighted that are crucial for the creation of a modern library. First, librarians must change to meet today's challenges. The future will require them to re-orient, think creatively, and master new technological skills to create information resources and services. Librarians must be aware of modern trends and adapt to social and technological changes, as they are the only professionals suitable for scholars and citizens to appropriately evaluate online resources and provide accurate information. Second, the improvement of traditional library services is necessary, and the introduction of new methods and equipment becomes vital to bridge the gap between traditional and modern library services through integrated library management software. Information technology is essential for the rapid growth of modern library services, as the Internet and related technologies have opened up an entirely new environment for providing improved information resources and services to users.

Keywords: digital libraries, library services, library transformations, traditional libraries.





