Formation of Professional Competence of Education Seekers During Production Practice


  • Vladyslav Kasjan



The purpose of the article is to highlight the influence of students' industrial practice on the formation of their professional competencies. The methodological basis of the article was formed by a complex of general scientific and special methods of scientific research. The principle of unity of relationship with modern conditions is used; regulatory and alternative approaches; methods of analysis, cognitive, structural-functional, descriptive, synthesis. Scientific novelty consists in the definition of the concept of "professional competence", the study of the peculiarities of the formation of the professional competence of students in the process of their industrial practice, the analysis of the main approaches to the assessment of practice. As a result, the mechanisms and approaches of passing and evaluating students' production practice are proposed. Conclusions. The urgent task of education is the reorientation of the educational paradigm of the institution of higher education to a student-oriented model. An effective way of updating the content and improving the quality of professional education, matching it with the modern needs of production, is the orientation of training programs on the competence approach and the creation of effective mechanisms for its implementation. Competence is an important result of the professional training of modern specialists in specialty 029 "Information, library and archival affairs" at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. By the professional competence of an information specialist, we understand the basic characteristic of his activity, which includes knowledge and skills and has the following defining characteristics: mobility of knowledge, lifelong learning, critical thinking. The priority direction of professional training of future specialists in the information field at KNUCA is the development of modern models of cooperation with the leading libraries of Kyiv and Ukraine.

Key words: bachelor, academic, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, educational process, practice, professional activity, professional competence, education seekers.




