Prospects of organic agriculture development on the territory of Vinnitsia region in the conditions of climate change
production of organic products, land quality, agrotechnical methods, climate, land use, stability of agroecosystemsAbstract
The article considers the concept of organic farming, the state and prospects of its development in the trends of climate change. The main problems of organic production on the territory of Ukraine are investigated. It was revealed that for the introduction of organic farming it is necessary to improve the regulatory framework, improve the level of public awareness, take into account the difficulties in growing organic products. The stages of transition of the agrarian enterprise from traditional to organic system of managing are considered. The ecological and toxicological condition of arable lands of Vinnytsia region was also analyzed. The main requirements for the quality of land intended for organic farming, the main among which is the absence of pollution by pesticides, heavy metals, radionuclides and others. It is established that the lands of Vinnytsia region can be divided into two groups of suitability for organic production: suitable and unsuitable. The negative tendency to reduce the application of organic and mineral fertilizers, as well as the active growth of sunflower sown areas due to changes in climatic and agrometeorological conditions of the region, more and more farms use heat-loving crops, displacing traditional grain and technical, which increases the load on agricultural land. There are several features of the implementation of agronomic techniques in the transition period to organic farming in the context of climate change for the territory of Vinnytsia region. It was found that the territory of Vinnytsia region has all the ecological prerequisites for the introduction and conduct of organic farming. However, due to the irrational use of land resources of the region, there is a phenomenon of their degradation: reduced fertility, deteriorating quality, complete withdrawal from economic use. The introduction of organic farming in Vinnytsia will preserve and significantly improve the quality of land resources.
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