
  • М. І. Пересічний Кафедра технології і організації ресторанного господарства Київський національний торговельноекономічний університет, Ukraine
  • С. М. Пересічна Кафедра технології і організації ресторанного господарства Київський національний торговельноекономічний університет,



харчовий раціон, студенти, добовий набір продуктів


The actual supply of students’ diet in basic nutrients at higher educational establishments ofUkrainewas studied proving significant deviations from a balanced diet formula, mainly in terms of bioactive agents, vitamins, macro- and microelements. In fact, the actual food value of students’ diet in the overwhelming majority of higher educational establishments is 18 – 20 % less than a daily physical need. The deficiency in dietary fat and carbohydrate is in average 16.2% and 15.6% respectively, whereas that of animal protein is 15 – 20 %. The level of satisfaction og the daily need in ascorbic acid is 40 – 60%, vitamins of В group – 36 –70 %, calcium – 47 %, phosphorus – 69 %, magnesium – 59%,  iron – 52%, while the consumption of iodine and selenium are also insufficient.

The irrationally selected diet with imbalanced nutrient contents can result in increased fatigability, depression, nervous breakdowns, performance impairment, and manifestations of alimentary diseases (hypovitaminosis, avitaminosis, obesity etc.).

The daily composition of dishes and beverages imply the application of main nutritional laws and satisfaction of a daily physiological need in nutrients. We recommended introducing comprehensive diets balanced in terms of main nutrients and calories in canteens of higher educational establishments. For this purpose, we have scientifically substantiated weekly diets for lunches in two variations, which are balanced in terms of main nutrients and calories.

The developed diets contain functional dishes which contain stone-ground wholegrain wheat flour, rye flour, soya flour, red lentils, sea cabbage, spirulina, and dietary supplements: apple powder, wheat bran, wheat germ, “ЕСО” barley, cake of silybum marianum, natural powder of shrimps RieberFoodIngredients


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Нутриціологія, дієтологія, проблеми харчування