
  • І. І. Кишенько
  • О. А. Топчій
  • Ю. П. Крижова
  • О. І. Рибачук



raw smoked sausage, starter cultures, bacterial products, microflora, lactic acid bacteria


Based on research the influence of bacterial preparations Bactoferm F-SC-111 and Bactoferm F-1 during technological process for spontaneous microflora were studied.

Functioning of bacterial preparation Bactoferm F-SC-111 and Bactoferm F-1 compared with existing bacterial preparation ПБ-МП of Russian origin. Raw smoked sausage was produced by traditional technology without starter cultures have been choose as control. Prepared preparation applied in bowl chopper with lean meat and mixed 3-5 minutes. Fermentation process  carried in climate chamber.

Based on research results the influence of starter cultures on spontaneous microflora at different stage of technological process was analyzed, after cutting process and on first and second day of fermentation and on 3, 5, 8, 10 days of drying.

These results show that application of bacterial preparation Bactoferm F-SC-111 and Bactoferm F-1 provides accelerated development and dominance beneficial microflora at the production of raw smoked sausages comparing with bacterial preparation which needed to be activated in advance.    

Author Biographies

І. І. Кишенько


О. І. Рибачук



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Біопроцеси, біотехнологія харчових продуктів, БАР