
  • T. Н. Воловик
  • Л. В. Капрельянц




encapsulation, probiotic cultures, biopolymer, low methoxyl pectin, calcium chloride


The article presents the results of optimization of main parameters providing process of formation of a matrix in the form of gel granules of a given size and strictly spherical form. The low methoxyl pectin was used as a protective cover for probiotics. Previously was established optimum concentration of pectin solution which provides the maximum strength of the received granules. It is experimentally established that diameter of forming gel granules, depends on two major factors — diameter of an opening of a nozzle of the portioning device and distance (height) from it to a surface of forming solution (CaCl2). It is established that granules with a diameter of 3 mm are most convenient to swallow. Results of optimization defined that formation of granules by the set size can be provided in the range of change of diameter of an opening of a nozzle from 0,5 to 0,88 mm and nozzle distance to a solution surface from 5 to 10 mm. Therefore, the increase in diameter of a nozzle and distance promotes change of size of the granules and formation of an asheric form that doesn't meet the requirements to this production.


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Біопроцеси, біотехнологія харчових продуктів, БАР