
  • A. Д. Солецька




roasting, boiling, boiled sausages, modes, optimization


The improvement of heat treatment modes for sausage products is a truly topical issue, since even minor temperature fluctuations at the stage of roasting and boiling have a big affect on the weight loss, as well as on organoleptic and microbiological parameters of finished products. Now, it is possible to differentiate heat treatment modes in accordance with the sausage mince chemical composition and casing diameter because operating meat-processing factories are equipped with new generation, software-based multi-purpose heat chambers.

A number of industrial tests was carried out to study the influence of roasting of boiled sausage products at 50 to 70 оС, and boiling at 75 to 80 оС, on some technological parameters depending on the fat content in mince (22 to 45 %) and diameter of sausage links (32 to 65 mm).

The mathematical modeling for heat treatment of boiled sausage products in accordance with the fat content, sausage link diameter and modes of roasting and boiling is a way to project the minimal loss of product weight at 50 to 70 oC roasting temperature, 75 to 80 oC boiling temperature, and with the fat content of mince between 22 and  45%, and 32 to 65 mm casings diameter .


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Технологія і безпека продуктів харчування