
  • Ю. В. Назаренко



baby food, adaptation, bifidobacteria, lactic mesophilic lactococci, bifidogenic factor, fermentation, probiotic properties, acidity, viscosity, water-holding capacity


The results of experimental investigations of qualitative indicators determination of fermented probiotic curds, received by ripening of sterilized milk fortified with fructose, soured composition of mixing cultures B. bifidum 1 + B. longum ЯЗ + B. infantis 512 and mixing cultures of mesophilic sour-milk lactococcuses (ratio of cultures in composition 1:1:10:10 consequently) in the keeping process in amphibious package at a temperature 2...6 °С during 21 days, are stated in the work. Change of qualitative indicators of fermented probiotic curds received by ripening of sterilized milk fortified with fructose, soured compositions of monocultures B. bifidum 1 and mixing cultures of mesophilic sour-milk lactococcuses (ratio of cultures of bifid and lactic bacteria 1:10), monocultures B. longum ЯЗ and mixing cultures of mesophilic sour-milk lactococcuses (ratio of cultures of bifid and lactic bacteria 1:10), monocultures B. infantis 512 and mixing cultures of mesophilic sour-milk lactococcuses (ratio of cultures of bifid and lactic bacteria 1:1), in the similar conditions, was also investigated for comparison. On keeping of fermented probiotic curds a change of their acidity (titrated and active), viscosity, moisture-retaining power, quantity of viable cells of bifid bacteria and mesophilic sour- milk lactococcuses in 1 cm3 during 21 days with interval of 7 days, as well as change of organoleptic indicators was controlled. Using possibility of developed soured composition of mixing cultures B. bifidum 1 + B. longum ЯЗ + B. infantis 512 and mixing cultures of mesophilic sour-milk lactococcuses in producing of fermented milk products for infant food with improved storageability (at least 14 days), is illustrated.


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Біопроцеси, біотехнологія харчових продуктів, БАР