
  • Д. Д. Карпутіна
  • Н. Е. Фролова
  • С. І. Олійник



health-improving beverage, sugar sorghum, bioactive substances, enzymatic agents, yeast


The report provides analysis of the current status of the functional and health-improving products market based on analytical data by international company Euromonitor International.

The report justifies the perspective use of agricultural crop sugar sorghum in many industrial areas due to the unique chemical composition of this crop.

 The recommendation is given herein on the optimal hydrolysis mode for high-molecular compounds of sugar sorghum juice – starch, cellulose, haemcellulose assisted by enzymatic agents (EA) Tegamyl FAL and Xylolad. It’s stipulated to add into the wort EA Xylolad amounting to 0,5 dm3/t of the raw material and to add EA Tegamyl FAL amounting to 0,1 dm3/t of the starch. The following mode of wort fermentation is recommended: main fermentation duration 3 days under the temperature of 12°С, after-fermentation process duration – 2 days under 12 °С temperature. The proposed production modes of the health-improving beverage ensure maximal preservation of all bioactive substances of sugar sorghum juice.

By way of using modern method of capillary electrophoresis the amino-acid and vitamin composition of the wort and ready beverage is determined in this report. Test specimens contained in their composition 18 amino-acids, 7 thereof  being essential. The overall content of amino-acids in the wort made up 0,2036 mg/sm3.

The research determined vitamin composition of the wort and ready beverage. Thus, one glass of beverage made of sugar sorghum juice may provide daily need of a person in biotin (B7), for 53 % – in vitamin B6, for 42 % – in vitamin B1.


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Нутриціологія, дієтологія, проблеми харчування