
  • А. В. Антоненко



germination, sea salt, flour, carrageenan, semi-finished product, quality, safety


The results of research of the chemical content of flour «Zdorovja» made of wheat germinated in sea salt solution, are given in this article. On the basis of the results of the research the chemical content of flour «Zdorovja» and rational concentration of carrageenan (2 %) in the flour mixture are determined. The technology of noodles «Kolosok» made of flour «Zdorovja» is developed, and the results of studying its chemical content are given. The use of carrageenan and all parts of the grain in the technology of noodles made it possible to increase the total content of dietary fibers to 3.8 g. The mineral content of the product has improved due to the increase of content of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc by 1.7 – 4 times, respectively. The content of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E increased respectively by 2.3, 2.6, 4.2, 2.9, 1.9 and 1.8 times, respectively.

In comparison of developed noodles with the standard the biological value profiles were made. The conventional food product containing macro-, microelements and vitamins 30 % of the daily requirement was accepted as a standard, which complies with requirements to functional foods. The area of the described profile surface of noodles «Kolosok» is higher compared with the control by 7.3 times and is close to standard values.

It is proved that the safety indexes of the developed product within the fixed shelf life comply with acceptable health standards. Flour «Zdorovja» can be used in production technologies of floury culinary products with higher nutritional value. Social impact of the production of noodles is to provide population of Ukraine with flour possessing increased biological value that can be recommended in the diets of all segments of the population.


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