Application of the method of solid-phase spectrometry for test-determination of antioxidants


  • C. D. Бельтюкова
  • О. О. Лівенцова
  • А. А. Степанова



antioxidants, solid-phase spectrometry, test-determination


The work reveals advantages of a method of solid-phase spectrometry, with registration of a luminescent signal of anolyte in a sorbent phase in paticular, compared with usual spectroscopic methods. The possibility of use of a sensitized luminescence of lanthanides (ions of Terbium(III) ) as a luminescent marker when determining antioxidants of polyphenolic type is established. Advantages of this method, allowing to carry out quality control, safety or falsifications of foodstuff are noted. The main characteristics of techniques definitions of a number of antioxidants – vanillin, gallic acid and a propyl gallate, caffeine, the sum of polyphenol compounds, chlorogenic acid, the sum of catechins, and also a number of flavonoids – quercetin, routine and morin in various foodstuff (cognacs, wines, food and cosmetic oils, coffee, tea) and vegetable raw materials are given. All techniques can be carried out in test option that considerably reduces time of carrying out the analysis and simplifies it.


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