Research of technological and physico-chemical parameters of fatty coriander oil during the refining


  • Ф. Ф. Гладкий
  • В. С. Калина
  • М. В. Луценко



fat coriander oil unrefined and refined, refining, free fatty-acid, ethyl alcohol


This article considers results of a research focused on refining process of fatty coriander oil (FCO) received as a by-product of coriander seed processing. The primary objective of Coriandrum sativum seed processing is coriander essence after stripping of which by water steam coriander oil meal is left. It contains up to 28 % of fatty coriander oil which is mainly used as a technical product in detergent production today. To extent a range of natural raw materials for human food we have improved technology aimed at processing of non-traditional vegetal resources – coriander seeds. Therefore the research is focused on refining process of fatty coriander oil to impart it nutritive properties. The main stage of nutritive FCO production is refining that allows to reduce an acid number (AN) of the oil from 17.0 mg KOH/G to 0.6 mg KOH/G.

The authors have found out that refining process of FCO by ethyl alcohol at its boiling-point – 78 ºС includes three stages of FCO mixing with ethyl alcohol in the ratio of 1:4. FCO refined in this way  has the following physical and chemical properties: acid number – 0.6 mg KOH/G, peroxide number  – 7 ½ mmole О/кkg, iodine number – 107 гJ2/100 g, anisidine number – 2,2; refraction index – 1.4631.

To save evergy costs we have carried out a number of researches of FCO refining process and it has been established an opportunity to obtain refined FCO as a result of its purification at room temperature and the ratio of ethyl alcohol: FCO as 1:14.

It has been studied a possibility to use an extraction agent of another nature than ethyl alcohol. Glycerin was chosen as a “nutritive” component. A mixture of ethyl alcohol and glycerin allows to get refined FCO with analogous quality indices if in the process only ethanol is used. Use of glycerin allows to reduce production costs of the finished product, however this process is complicated by labour intensity required for phase separation: refined FCO and a solvent. It is defined dependency of refined FCO quality indices on changes in temperature of its purification process and storage period.


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