The use of waxy wheat flour in technology of yeast cakes


  • К. Г. Іоргачова
  • О. В. Макарова
  • К. В. Хвостенко



waxy wheat flour, yeast cakes, gas formation, acid accumulation, fermentation, sourdough, dough


In this article, based on the analysis of cakes production features and waxy wheat flour (amylose-free) technological properties, shown the practicability of its use in the preparation of these products made from yeast dough. It has been determined the influence of waxy wheat flour mass fraction and method of its introduction on the course of the yeast cakes production technological process, namely, gas formation, acid accumulation and raising power of cakes' semi-products, the specific volume of the dough. The obtained results show that the addition of amylose-free flour in the recipe is accompanied by an intensification of the process of alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation, the formation of more loosened structure of sourdough and dough during their maturation, as evidenced by the improvement of their raising power and an increase in the specific volume. Comparative characteristics of methods for introduction flour with modified carbohydrate composition shows that the use of a mixture of baking and amylose-free flour promotes greater intensification of the sourdough fermentation process and by adding the maximum amount of waxy wheat flour in dough kneading - more rapid maturation of dough. It is shown that the use of amylose-free flour will allow to intensify fermentation of cakes' semi-products and to reduce the duration of the yeast cakes production process.


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