
  • Л. Г. Віннікова
  • К. В. Пронькіна




Electrically activated water, autolysis, catholyte, anolyte, functional and technological properties of meat


This article includes the results of the study of electrically activated water effect on functional and technological properties and microbiological values of pork with PSE abnormality. Test prototypes were muscles that are prone to abnormalities of autolytic processes the most - the longest (longissimus dorsi) and femoral (semumem branous) muscles. The possibility of increasing the pork’s pH to the optimum rate using the electrically activated water fractions was established. According to pH changes, one may increase the water binding capacity of meat up to 20 - 22%, and reduce the losses during heat treatment of pork samples up to 8%. A positive impact of electrically activated water on organoleptic characteristics of test samples was discovered. Organoleptic evaluation data made it possible to recommend the optimal ratio of electrically activated water fractions to be used in in the manufacture of meat products from pork. The optimum range of ratios of electrically activated water fractions was found, which allows to directionally  adjust the pork properties.


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