
  • Г. В. Дідух



microparticulate, proteins, whey, rheology, functional nutrition


The article shows the problem of reducing calorie food rations and materials scientific studies the feasibility of using a modified whey protein concentrate as a microparticulate as fat in the production of culinary products are presented. This  problem is achieved under conditions of severe mechanical shear on production equipment - dispersant at a temperature higher than the temperature of denaturation of serum proteins. The possibility of obtaining microparticulate, and technological scheme production in the restaurant industry is presented. Functional properties of the resulting product of whey protein , its therapeutic and preventive effects on the human body and high organoleptic properties are defined. The rheological properties of the resulting microparticulate are shown, namely viscosity and strain rate dependence of the shear stress. The possibility of the use Bingham equation to calculate the process yield microparticulate is proved.


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