
  • C. C. Древова
  • Л. С. Гураль
  • Д. П. Ткаченко




білкові помутніння, протеїни, тести, нагрівання, стабільність вин, ігристі вина


Colloidal blur is the most common and intractable feature for white sparkling wines. Violation of the equilibrium state of the colloidal nature of the components under the external factors influence (temperature, light, vibration, etc.) leads to formation of large particles, blur and sedimentation development. These changes are predetermined by the presence of macromolecular materials and substances of grape and yeast origin in sparkling wines (i. e. proteins, polysaccharides, phenolic substances). Today there is a wide range of tests predicting protein blur, which are widely used in winemaking practices to determine stability of sparkling wines. The comparative characteristics to thermal and combined chemical tests as well as instrumental methods for determining protein casse, is given in the article due to the one presented in domestic and foreign literature. The results of comparative evaluation of proteins detection effectiveness for white sparkling wines are presented. It is indicated that the blur values of the test samples are different for proteins in each test group. It was set that thermal tests are little-informative and give an idea of the heat-labile proteins. Thermal tannin test group shows the highest level of correlation between the test value and the one for the storage warranty period. Tests with TCA did not reveal any correlation between blur values and sparkling wines’ stability.


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