
  • С. М. Соц
  • І. О. Кустов



bakery, dry whey, lecithin


This paper shows the use of dry whey in the production of bakery products. The influence of dairy product on the activity of bakery yeast and lactic acid bacteria as well as on the structural and mechanical and organoleptic properties of dough have been investigated. The paper presents the effect of milk whey on qualitative and quantitative indicators of gluten. It has been found out that the amount of investigated milk for bread fortification should not exceed 5% to flour weight. The purposefulness of improvers usage in production of bakery products with milk whey has been proved. The efficiency of the use of different types of lecithin in different amounts has been investigated. The positive effect of the fat-free lecithin in the ratio of 0.7 % to weight of flour in bread technology with dry milk whey has been obtained.


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Технологія і безпека продуктів харчування