
  • Н. А. Ткаченко
  • Ю. С. Українцева



baby food, protein cream, milk and vegetable cream, fermentation, bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, mesophilic lactic-acid lactococci, acidity, probiotic and proteolytic properties


Basing on the analysis of the market for baby food products in Ukraine, the paper shows the prospects of the development of innovative technologies for food protein pastes used for the nutrition of children of 8 months and upwards with high probiotic, antagonistic and hypoallergenic properties, high bioavailability and biological efficiency, and extended storage period; the prospects of three ways of implementation of the thermostat production mode of protein pastes for baby food are also defined here.

The protein cream fermentation mode is grounded here in which the protein cream is enriched with lactulose, a complex of vitamins FT 041081EU and / or a complex of minerals FT 042836EU in the technology of protein pastes for baby food products with the usage of sour compounds based on bifidobacteria and lactobacilli bacterial concentrates obtained by freezing and freeze-drying with fermentation temperature of (37 ± 1) °C and duration of 5.5 hours. Being singled out are also prospects of using protein pastes for baby food products which have bacterial concentrates of high probiotic and proteolytic properties and are based on mixed cultures Lac. lactis ssp. (F DVS C-301 or F DVS C-303) and monocultures Bifidobacterium animalis Bb-12 (F DVS Bb-12) obtained by freezing.

The paper shows the stimulating effect of complex vitamins and minerals on the growth of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and mesophilic lactic-acid lactococci in the protein cream; defines the synergistic impact of the stimulating effect of the vitamins and minerals complexes joint use on bifidobacteria and lactobacilli growth. The organoleptical, physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of fermented protein cream are also defined and its advantages over sour-milk cheese for baby food produced by dairy milk processing plants are singled out.


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Біопроцеси, біотехнологія харчових продуктів, БАР