high hydrostatic pressure, poultry, shelf lifeAbstract
Microbiological, physicochemical and organoleptic studies that are used to determine rational modes of high pressure processing of poultry with a view to lengthening its shelf life have been conducted in the work. Food processing with high pressure allows to monitor the enzymatic processes, ensures inactivation of microorganisms, prevents the collapse of vitamins and other nutrients. Hydrostatic pressure acts simultaneously on all thickness of the product, resulting the duration of raw material's processing reduces, energy resources are saving.
The results of conducted researches allowed to determine the optimal modes of processing of poultry meat with high hydrostatic pressure. Rational mode of processing should be considered as processing at 225 MPa with duration of 30-601 s, which contributes to the lengthening of the period of storage of poultry meat under standard conditions in 2 times in comparison with control samples. Athermal processing with the developed modes complies organoleptic, microbiological and chemical indicators of freshness for chilled poultry.
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