
  • Г. В. Крусір
  • І. П. Кондратенко



flour, bakery, safety, bioassay, test-organisms, Colpoda steinii


Research over of safety of standards flour is brought components of raw material for the production of bakery products. Safety of this food raw material was determined by the methods of bioassay of test-organisms of different taxonomic groups. Research safety of flour fitotesting was conducted on the basis of research morphological changes at seed-germination of radish. The aqueous extract of the investigated standards of flour was filtered and exposed to co-operating with the seed of red radish in flow 96 hours at the duty of water 1: 5 and to the temperature 20 °С. The dynamics of change in the length of the roots was investigated. At the second stage of research as a bioassay systems was use simple - ciliates Colpoda steinii. The method is based on extraction from the investigated products of different fractions of toxic substances by a glade and non-polar nature with the subsequent display of extracts with the culture of ciliates Colpoda steinii. For the third stage of experiment as a bioassay-organisms the cages of animal origin were used. The method is based on ability methylene blue to join hydrogen that will finish from substrate oxidizing (cage of animal origin) during breathing, and restored to the colorless form.

 The got results confirm conformities to law of determination of toxins of the investigated standards with the use of different classes bioassay-systems, and consequently the possibility of the use last as a bioassay-organisms at determination of safety flour.


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Технологія і безпека продуктів харчування