
  • А. C. Ткаченко
  • І. В. Сирохман



борошняні кондитерські вироби, нетрадиційна сировина, споживні властивості, харчова цінність, цукрове печиво


The results of merchandizing research of new sugar cookie samplers using alternative primary products are represented in the article. The ingredients that improve consumer appeal such as dry fat-free whey, flax seed, flax oil, powder of dried white beans, knotgrass powder, sea-buckthorn syrup, soya oil, carotene (carrot) oil, dried barberry berries, barberry root powder are proposed to use. It was proved that the usage of these ingredients improves consumer appeal of finished products. Protein content was increased and energy value was reduced in new cookies. The cookies differ by higher organoleptic properties. Using the dry fat-free whey powder and bean powder the amino-acid score of products has been improved and biological value of proteins has increased. Fat base of cookies on abundance ratio of fatty acids approached to the "ideal lipid." A content of mineral elements, particularly, of such important minerals as Ca, Mg, Fe, I significantly has increased and a ratio between Ca and R has been optimized in samplers. The usage of alternative primary products did not affect the physical and chemical properties and safety indicators of cookies. Complex factor of quality has increased in all new samplers of sugar cookie.


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Технологія і безпека продуктів харчування