
  • А. К. Д’яконова
  • В. С. Степанова



sauces, emulsion base, emulsion type sauce, healthy foods


Nowadays, catering arrangement is taking precedence since modern human diet does not meet body needs. Special attention in wholesome food manufacturing is paid to emulsion-based systems having low calorie and high biological value. The article shows that nowadays public catering facilities use a variety of emulsion-based foods, among which a specific place is held by sauce products manufacturing, which not only enhances flavor of dishes, but also increases the biological value of products and promotes better digestibility. Sauce products are used both in home cookery and public catering; and despite the continuous growth and shift in consumer tastes, the current problem of sauce-line expansion for various dishes and culinary products, requires new approaches for their design.

For emulsion products, especially for sauces, product-line range is much wider than for other product groups, due to presence of fat and water phases. Therefore, development of new technologies and product-line expansion of functional emulsion light products is timely and appropriate. The top decision consists in elaborating multifunctional basis for use while making various sauces, marinades, pasta, dressings, etc.


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Нутриціологія, дієтологія, проблеми харчування