
  • Л. М. Тележенко
  • Н. А. Дзюба
  • М. А. Кашкано



instant porridges, collagen preparation, glutin, compositional mixtures, mathematical modeling, extrusion


The objective of the research is to develop compositions and technology of dry compositional mixtures with glutin inclusion for producing instant porridges of functional purpose. The method of mathematical modeling was applied to develop compositional mixtures.

The alkaline hydrolysis method was used to obtain collagen preparation (glutin) from the fish industry derivative products. To establish the biological value of the developed instant porridges ion-exchange chromatographing (Hitachi 835) was used.

It is shown, that the inclusion of glutin in developed mixtures contributes to the biological value of culinary products and provides additional functional properties. The biological full-value of developed instant porridges is determined. It is established that the degree of the daily requirement satisfaction of essential amino acids is 30 %, when consumed the recommended servings of food. Examined organoleptic, rheological and physicochemical characteristics of developed products confirm the usefulness of the proposed technology.


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