The use of oil-gas deposit formation water as hydromineral raw materials for bromine




bromine, hydrogeochemistry, Dnipro-Donetsk basin, hydromineral raw materials, oil and gas deposits, brines, hydrocarbons, heat and mass transfer, formation water


Formulation of the problem. The southeastern part of Dnieper-Donets Basin is one of the most developed regions in Ukraine where a number of hydrocarbon deposits are located, their underground (reservoir) waters and brines are characterized by high contents of various microelements, including bromine. According to this, the study of groundwater geochemistry to determine the possibility of its industrial extraction is an actual problem.

The purpose of the article. The article makes an attempt to determine the possibility to use underground waters of Carboniferous and Permian deposits of the southeastern part of Dnieper-Donets Basin as a hydro-mineral raw material for bromine mining.

Methods. In the work, a hydrogeochemical prospecting method has been used, taking into account geological, hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical features of the area. The authors collected and systematized a large actual (stock) material, which allowed them to make up a database of the groundwater chemical composition in the study area.

Results. In the course of the work, the geochemistry of bromine in underground waters of Carboniferous and Permian sediments was studied. It is emphasized that chloride-sodium waters and brines with salinity of 5-10 to 250 g / dm3 formed in the Paleozoic deposits at a depth of more than 800-1000 m. It is noted that inverse hydrogeochemical zoning (inversion) is often found on anticlinal structures. It was revealed that bromine content in groundwater was controlled by the amount of mineralization and the total chemical composition (geochemical type) of the waters. It is shown that groundwater enrichment with an element increases with the aquifers depth. Underground waters, enriched with various trace elements, and primarily bromine, are most often unloaded in the arched parts of the anticlinal structures controlled by disruptive disturbances. Moreover, the main factors of bromine accumulation in groundwater are heat and mass transfer processes, as well as exchange reactions in the hydrogeochemical system "rock-water". It is determined that the bromine content on individual structures achieves industrial concentrations required for economically efficient extraction of the element from aqueous solutions.

Scientific novelty and practical significance In the course of the studies, the feasibility of using reservoir waters of oil and gas deposits in the southeastern part of Dnieper-Donets Basin as a hydromineral raw material for bromine mining is substantiated.

Author Biographies

О. В. Гаврилюк, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Senior Lecturer

В. Г. Суярко, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Doctor of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy), Full Professor


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