Planning of the industrial and hydrogeological research at the final stage of hydrocarbon deposits development


  • В. В. Самойлов Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine



water flooding of wells, water factor, the minimum required flow rate of gas


Formulation of the problem. The article focuses on monitoring the wells operation at the final stages of hydrocarbon deposits development. It is known that at the final stages of the field development wells operation is characterized by a number of complications associated with the depletion of the reservoir energy and flooding with stratal waters. According to the program "20/20" gas production in JSC "Ukrgasvydobuvannia " is expected to increase to 20 billion m3 per year. One way to achieve this goal is to intensify the production on the operating fields. Consequently, flooding of the wells is likely to aggravate. However, there has been a mismatch between quantitative and qualitative indicators of industrial and hydrogeological studies of the wells. Control measurements of the water factor at the wellhead do not fix the fluid flow, and the samples selected by the field geological service are reservoir water.
The purpose of the article. To determine the causes of the indicated differences in the conditions of wells operation and the results of industrial and hydrogeological research in Yuliyivske field in 2016.
Methods. The author s own achievements as well as the research results of domestic and foreign investigators made the methodical basis for the article.
Results. In 2016 we operated wells No. 57, 61, 73, 77 without the signs of water flooding in Yuliyivske field. Well No.7 began flooding from April, and by the end of the year it had acquired an intensive character. Analysis of the opearational water usage of well No.50 showed that it began flooding. The degree of water flooding is found to be not heavy, further increase in the flow rate of formation water is not expected. The data, especially industrial ones (gas flow rate and water factor) suggest possible start of wells No. 60 and 63 flooding. In 2017 they will be the priority for industrial and hydrogeological studies. Wells No. 56 and 83 are operating in the field conditions of non-intensive income and outcome of stratal waters.
Scientific novelty and practical significance. It has been found out that among the twelve wells which were controlled on water flooding, only two meet the conditions of passing liquid to the surface. Considering this fact, it has been proposed to divide field wells into two groups before the beginning of industrial and hydrogeological studies. In the first group it is advisable to carry out hydrogeochemical control of associated water composition only. The second group includes the wells where it is appropriate to carry out control measurements of water factor in the estuary.

Author Biography

В. В. Самойлов, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

PhD (Geology), Sector Leader


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