Urban areas space transformations in the suburb cities of the capital





transformation, functional transformation, modernization, gentrification, suburban area, satellite towns, survey


The aim of the article is to analyze the urban space transformation processes in the capital's suburban areas. The objectives of the work are as follows: 1) analysis of the population dynamics in towns and comparisons of natural population growth during the study period; 2) the modernization and transformation assessment of Kyiv urban suburbs; 3) comparison of sectoral and functional structures of the cities; 4) identification of the transformation processes features by the local population within test plots of model cities and civic engagement of local residents.
Based on already existing Pityurenko's research, we conducted our own research in which we use comparative geographic method and the population survey method. The expert estimations is used while determining the level of modernization and the transformation presence in the cities researched.
According to the results of the research we found out the level of modernization of existing test sites and transformation processes within them. Based on comparative geographical analysis of test plots in model cities Bucha, Boryspil and Ukrainka common features of transformation processes that are specific to the satellite cities and the suburbs have been revealed. They are as follows: the population in urban areas is growing; basic functions of the test areas are residential and the population service; public service facilities are located mainly on the ground floors of residential buildings which are located on the main road of the city. There is the expansion of residential areas in the satellite towns by building new housing estates mainly in recreational areas; there are gentrification processes of various kinds, as well.
The research of such content in the cities mentioned above has been carried out for the first time. It has been done by using a case method.
The result of the study is to obtain objective, coherent information "pictures" of the transformation processes in the satellite towns. Analyzing that, we can see the current state of urban development, changes in the towns structure planning and predict future changes.

Author Biographies

Л. В. Мельник, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

PhD (Geography), Researcher

О. О. Кривець, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

PhD (Geography), Researcher

С. П. Батиченко, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

PhD (Geography), Junior Researcher


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